Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Arab League's Role in the Syrian Civil War Article

The Arab League's Role in the Syrian Civil War - Article Example There is also the theme of government response and the consequences that such consequences carried. This theme makes it very important to discuss the overall concept of political authority and power utilization. This is because from every indication, the response of the government as an authority and holder of power was something that dragged the Syrian Civil War to levels it can currently be found (Zartman, 2012). Cooperation and interferences that were received both internally and externally from the Arab League were also highlighted as an important theme in the article. Finally, the future of Syria was an important theme raised in the article that leaves the reader thinking if there is any hope at all for Syria from the current position it finds itself. The major theoretical position outlined in the article was international relations. As explained by Carlsnaes (2012), international relations encompass the relationships that exists among countries as exemplified through the roles of sovereign states, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and even multinational corporations. The article clearly shows how each of these stakeholders played critical roles in the Syrian Civil War. Most of these roles were discussed under â€Å"External cooperation and interference† section of the article and clearly outlined the positive and negative outcomes with international relations. By emphasizing more on the role of the Arab League, it is very easy for the reader to get a sense of urgency for change with ongoing development of Foreign Policy Analysis. This is because the author constantly expressed mixed feelings about the impact of the real roles of the Arab League as it was not very clear whether the Arab League re gistered their presence for the purpose of serving its long awaited ambition for independence and unity or whether the regional body was there to focus directly on stopping the war. Into the future, it is important that

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Convey the story Essay Example for Free

Convey the story Essay Heloise and Abelard by James Burger has its place among the most famous biographies that were written about the pair of lovers who lived in Medieval Age, and which is based on the correspondence the two held. It opens a new perspective on the life of the Dark Ages, on its institutions and philosophies, and most of all, on its theology. The lovers who became the victims of the religious age they lived in, that could not admit their love, or any other type of love, for that matter, except religious love. The characters themselves are besides the initiators of free love, the ones who foresee the escape from the too rigid, rule-based religion of the Medieval centuries: â€Å"Let us read after this the famous Colloquy of Erasmus, The Franciscan, and we will find repeated all the essential ideas of Heloise: Christ preached but one religion, the same for layfolk and monks; the Christian renounces the world and professes to live only for Christ, and St. Paul did not preach this doctrine for monks but for everyone; layfolk, even the married, are bound to chastity and poverty quite as much as monks; in short, the only rule binding the Christian is the Gospel. Once she has adopted this course, Heloises frank and direct reason would not let her stop. Carried away by her own logic she was to touch, one after the other, almost all the critical points on which the humanists and reformers of the sixteenth century are so insistent. Why forbid meat to monks? Meat in itself is neither good nor bad. Let us not attach religious importance to things which in fact have none. Nothing counts save what can lead us to the kingdom of God. Let us forget, then, these exterior practices common to truly pious souls and to hypocrites, It is only interior acts that really count for the Christian. The rest is Judaism. † (Gilson, 132) Thus, the point that the story of Heloise and Abelard is trying to make, is that theirs was the one of the most tragic examples of the many failures of the Medieval Age, which persecuted through religion and rigid commandments, trough enclosing monasteries and punishments of all kind, instead of opening the road to what true spirituality means. The touching and tragic story of the lovers impresses because of the nobility of their thoughts and feelings, and also to the spectacular love story, which remains intense throughout their lives. Love is blended with the Christian doctrine, and the lovers try to find a bridge between the two, something that will only be found later in the history or religion, with the advent of humanism. 2. Explain who Heloise and Abelard were. What is their background and upbringing? What brings their paths together? Heloise and Abelard form one of the most famous couples known for their romantic love, so often compared to such immortal stories like that of Romeo and Juliet. However, their story is the real account of a twelfth century couple that lasted throughout the centuries both because of the unusual love story that united them, and also because of the startling sincerity and openness of the letters that favors a clear view of their characters and lives, and of the circumstances of the century they lived in. Pierre Abelard was a well-known philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages, whose studies have been concerned with mainly with logic and dialectics in the early years, and then with ethics and theology later on in his life. Of the account he himself gives of his early life in the letter addressed to his friend Philintus, we find that in his early youth he discovered his â€Å"natural genius for study†, and became â€Å"smitten with love for books†, so much so that he decided to renounce at once the fortune that father had bestowed on him as his eldest son, to his brothers and to dedicate himself entirely to learning. His passion and ambition to become a great logician soon brought him notoriety inside the circles of scholars, and he stood out as one of the most reputed teachers of his time. It is in the midst of his glory as a philosopher that the event that will change his life forever occurs: he sees Heloise, the niece of a certain Fulbert. She is belongs to a lower social class than he but she is equal in all else to him: she is literate and very learned, perhaps even surpassing him in depth of thought and feeling. All these were unique and very rare qualities in a medieval woman. Abelard concocts the perfect means of making her acquaintance, with a clear intention to conquer her and make her his mistress. He talks to the uncle, and after having offered him a sum of money, he obtains the latter’s assent to instruct his daughter as her teacher. Heloise, who has reason enough to admire him for his knowledge and brilliant mind, soon falls in love with him and becomes his lover, without the slightest resistance. It is here that their fascinating but tragic story actually begins. 3. Who was William of Champeaux? Discuss his influence in the life of Abelard. Why did Abelard achieve both acclaim and notoriety? Abelard has been, because of his originality of thought, in controversy with many of the philosophers of the age, among these, William of Champeaux, who began by being his teacher, but who was soon outwitted in the lectures he gave by his student. This naturally created animosity between the two, and it became even more founded when Abelard started teaching himself, and drew to his side most of the students that formerly had been instructed by Champeaux: â€Å"I put myself under the direction of one Champeaux, a professor who had acquired the character of the most skilful philosopher of his age, but by negative excellencies only as being the least ignorant! He received me with great demonstrations of kindness, but I was not so happy as to please him long; for I was too knowing in the subjects he discoursed upon, and I often confuted his notions. Frequently in our disputations I pushed a good argument so home that all his subtlety was not able to elude its force. It was impossible he should see himself surpassed by his scholar without resentment. It is sometimes dangerous to have too much merit. Envy increased against me in proportion to my reputation. † ( I) Abelard was many times an envied scholar, and later on, he was even accused of heresy for his ideas, by the enemies he always made in his circle. But, nevertheless, he became more and more notorious, because of the originality and novelty of his ideas, and especially because of his passion and ability for logic and argumentation. 4. How do Heloise and Abelard fall in love? What challenges must their relationship overcome? What were the consequences for both Abelard and Heloise? What is transcendent or universal about their love story? Together in the house of Heloise’s uncle, under the assumed masks of teacher and student, Heloise and Abelard begin their love story. As it becomes clear from Abelard’s own confessions in the letters to her, and from the imputations she brings on him, in her turn, the beginning of their of their affair was due more to his lust and incontinence rather than to his feelings for her: â€Å"Was it not the sole thought of pleasure which engaged you to me? And has not my tenderness, by leaving you nothing to wish for, extinguished your desires? Wretched Heloise! you could please when you wished to avoid it; you merited incense when you could remove to a distance the hand that offered it: but since your heart has been softened and has yielded, since you have devoted and sacrificed yourself, you are deserted and forgotten! † (II) Heloise however, seems to have given herself completely to her feelings to him, from beginning to end of their love story. After they remained together for the space of a few months, but their love was son discovered by Heloise’s uncle, who, enraged, demanded compensation from Abelard for his offense against the family honor. Abelard decides to marry Heloise, and when the latter becomes pregnant he sends her away to Britanny, to the care of his sister. The actual situation of the two lovers can not be fully comprehended without placing it in the Medieval context. Thus, it would perhaps seem natural to a modern reader that marriage be a solution for Abelard and Heloise, one that would confer legitimacy on their bond, both from the point of view of religion and from that of moral. However, this was not the case at all, for a few clear reasons. First of all, both Abelard and Heloise were both learned people, with such strict and high spiritual aspirations that they were incompatible with the idea of lay marriage. Abelard wanted for himself the kind of pure life that he admired in Saint Jerome or Seneca, and which would bring him the glory he longed for. For Heloise his glory would have been her glory too, so she was actually the one who withstood all she could the idea of marriage. In the strict sense of the world, according to the Medieval moral and religious laws, Abelard had the right to marry, without losing by this act the right to teach or his clerical dignity. The actual danger was that they, as all Medieval scholars, regarded marriage as a form of weakness and incontinence, that would inevitably and permanently drive a scholar away from his prayers and philosophical inquiries. Marriage was therefore considered degrading, and not a lot better than fornication for the ones who aspired to become theologians, because it had the same consequences – surrendering to sensual pleasures and forgetting one’s duty to God: â€Å"If therefore laymen and pagans have lived thus, without the restrictions of a religious profession, how much the more is it your duty to do so, you who are a cleric and a canon, lest you should come to prefer shameful pleasures to the divine service, lest you cast yourself into the gulf of Charybdis and perish, lest you should destroy yourself in these obscenities to the mockery of the whole world. (III) It is precisely in this conflict between their great passion and their aspiration for spiritual heroism, that the tragedy of Heloise and Abelard begins, even more so, when we consider that the spiritual ideals they tried to attain were not imposed on them from the outside, but were their own, and therefore as powerful as their love. It is this context that makes possible the famous and extraordinary statement of Heloise to Abelard, in which she declares that she would rather be his mistress or his prostitute than his wife: â€Å"You cannot but be entirely persuaded of this by the extreme unwillingness I showed to marry you, though I knew that the name of wife was honorable in the world and holy in religion; yet the name of your mistress had greater charms because it was freer. The bonds of matrimony, however honorable, still bear with them a necessary engagement and I was very unwilling to be necessitated to love always a man who would perhaps not always love me. † (II) As she herself declares it, Heloise believed in the disinteresedness of love, and considered, ahead of the time she lived in, that marriage does nothing to preserve the purity of love, but, on the contrary, makes it the slave of ambition or other advantages that are not love itself. Love is not to be confused with mere life or be put under the same necessities as the latter, as it would happen in a marriage, and this is seemingly what the story of Heloise and Abelard signified: a love that surpassed in intensity and nobility the limitations of simple life: â€Å"You have very justly observed in your letter that I esteemed those public engagements insipid which form alliances only to be dissolved by death, and which put life and love under the same unhappy necessity. ( )With what ease did you compose verses! And yet those ingenious trifles, which were but a recreation to you, are still the entertainment and delight of persons of the best taste. The smallest song, the least sketch of anything you made for me, had a thousand beauties capable of making it last as long as there are lovers in the world. Thus those songs will be sung in honor of other women which you designed only for me, and those tender and natural expressions which spoke your love will help others to explain their passion with much more advantage than they themselves are capable of. † (IV) Heloise already takes pride in their love story as something universal that will be used as a ground for comparison for future couples who will be bound by so great a love. The two loved each other with such great ardor and nobility, that their love is pure in spite of their sin. In spite of Heloise’s noble attitude that can not consent either to the loss of glory by the man she loves or to the degrading of noble and free love by binding it to the hearse of marriage, the two eventually contract a â€Å"secret marriage†, a compromise imposed by Abelard, so as not to lose Heloise but at the same time, to maintain his respectfulness in public. Abelard sends his wife to the monastery of Argenteuil to avoid further rumors about their marriage, already dressing her in the nun habit, without knowing that she will wear it forever afterwards . The climax of these happenings comes with the barbaric act of revenge that Heloise’s uncle commits. He bribes the servants of Abelard and these allow for someone to enter the room of their master by night and castrate him. This terrible and symbolic revenge is perhaps what made the love story between Heloise and Abelard legendary. Afterwards, they both retire in convents, Heloise being the first to put on the veil, at Abelard’s command, who not being able to posses her anymore, shuts her up from the world in his jealousy, so that she might never belong to anyone else. This is perhaps the greatest and incontestable act of love and sacrifice she performs for him, surrendering herself completely, and renouncing the greatest thing for him: not the world, as he thought, but him, the man she loved. Their love becomes transcendental and universal through the very passion that fettered them when they were together, but which also manifested itself in their acts of renouncement.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cultural Changes Of The 1960s And 1970s

Cultural Changes Of The 1960s And 1970s In the 1960s Americans started to question the Americas culture of materialism, consumerism and Political norms. In their quest into seeking a better world, they used music, politics and unconventional lifestyle bequeathing a new way of life that was referred to as the new counter culture. The 1960s were a period of protest and reforms as young American demonstrated against the Vietnam War, the African Americans demanded civil rights and the women were advocating for gender equality1. The hero, therefore, was that person who helped others especially in achieving these. Americans faced many issues that ranged from arms race, the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War and to liberty issues that pertained to drug use and sexual orientations. This new culture incorporated the notions of peace, love and unity as well as the ideas of religion, the mystic world as well as usage of drugs to expand one understanding of his self-awareness. This movement contributed to the great changes that af fected America as the youth were courageous enough to challenge the established authorities, were advocating for more social tolerance as the peoples perception of matters that concerned gender marriage, environment and children rights slowly changed. A good number of the youths escaped from the problems of the cities like crime and drug abuse to find refuge in the countryside where they forged new lifestyles that emphasised a common political ideology and were faced with spiritual reawakening to indulge in new spiritual encounters that favoured the peace of mind e.g. the Yoga and meditation. Many Americans were under fear of the nuclear holocaust. The shock of the Vietnam War and the prejudices of the racial injustice were aggravated by the culture of materialism and consumerism a resultant of the brute capitalism. To counter all these, the youths engaged at sit-in at schools, colleges, churches, hotels and other facilities. These youths were inspired by leaders such as John F Kennedy, Martin Luther king among others that acted as the political ring leaders2. A group of democratic politicians and activist that advocated for improved welfare used the expansion of the welfare state in California to reach out to the partys electoral coalition hence setting the preliminary stage of the partys identity politics of the 1970s and beyond. Thus the youth had to change their appearance and character to suit whatever they were advocating for. These were done through clothes, musical lyrics and the expressions of the arts that were used to explicitly articulate and advocate for these changes that concerned matters of free speech, liberty and political reforms; phenomenas were not new to the American society as they are the basis for the American state. Music was used as a force of change to alter peoples thoughts and action. It brought about a culture change that was based on the hip hop culture. The fashion was not left behind as the men drew on crew cuts and the women had bouffant hairstyles. By the middle of the 60s, the women were wearing miniskirts and hot pants that were worn with the go-go boots that revealed the legs while the body wear revealed the body curves of women as their hair was made either short or tall and thin. The culture ended the idea of making women second class citizens. All this advocating was not in vain as the period of change came in the 1970s where the social experiments were tried out leading to change and partly showed what the Americans would be like in the 1980s. In the 1970s the state of America ended its involvement in the Vietnam War and the civil and women rights movement attained many of the goals that they were advocating for. The economy at this time was hit by a very hard recession (the cyclic nature of a capitalistic economy) that saw high-interest rates and inflation. The repercussion was felt in the whole world leading to a drop in the supply of oil resulting into an acute shortage of the product. The liberal democrats who were i n power for most of the 1960s lost in the 1970s to a conservative politician Richard Nixon where he was forced to resign during the Watergate scandal3. Gerald Ford the vice president came in but lost later. Carter who replaced him was also voted out as a result of his failure to improve the economy. These changes of the 1970s affected the pop culture, education and politics around America. In the film, radio and television industry, a popular program of the time was named All in the Family that was a factory worker who disliked black people and vehemently opposed women rights. But its his family that slowly made him change his ways and accept the difference of the Americas social fabric. Other programs helped Americas to escape from the problems afflicting them by depicting a utopian happy life e.g. happy days and the Threes company the message was also similar in the music industry. The folk music was much appreciated in the 1960s as it concerned the social problems4. With the advent of the 1970s different groups started to play hard rock and punk music. The reforms also led to a change in the education system as a lot of people were disinterested in furthering their education after college since they were busy advocating for social and political reforms5. The war in Vietnam had also bogged them down with the view that more education led to increased inequality. In the mid-1970s though, the need to make more money led to many Americans going for higher education as it had become acceptable and higher education provided the skills that were needed for this. In the 60s and 70 they were acting in a collective manner and after achieving many of their goals the focus shifted to making money and living a life that they had long desired. A sign of becoming more concerned with their personal life. This new counterculture ended the idea of making political decisions that people do not support and made the environment a priority for the government and the s tate of America in general6. Notes. 1. Bruce J. Schulman and Julian E. Zelizer, conservative in the Rightward bound: making America 1970s. (Harvard: Harvard University Press, 2008), 7. 2. General Publishing Group, Of the people: the 200-year history of the Democratic Party. (Santa Monica: General Pub. Group, 1992), 140-160. 3. Rodney P. Carlisle, America in revolt during the 1960s and 1970s. (ABC-CLIO, 2007) 62-96. 4. Rodney, America in revolt during the 1960s and 1970s, 179. 5. General Publishing Group, Of the people: the 200-year history of the Democratic Party, 102-104. 6. Bruce and Zelizer, conservative in the Rightward bound: making America 1970s, 200-230

Friday, October 25, 2019

General Structure of Comedy and the Importance of Being Earnest by Osca

General Structure of Comedy and the Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde GeneralStructure of Comedy: * Things start out badly and end well * The deeper aim is broadly social: the kingdom or other city space is at first badly ruled or in turmoil for some reason--perhaps the values and institutions of the citizens and/or rulers are in need of some re-examination. * Next, the main characters leave (willingly or otherwise) the city setting and wind up in the countryside, in a pastoral setting. This setting allows for the necessary re-examination of values and social roles. * Magical transformations of characters occur; they are put in situations that could not occur in the city or the kingdom; the forest or countryside's magic opens up new possibilities to them. * After this reappraisal and readjustment period has been completed, the main characters come together--the young by marriage, the foundational institution of the civil order and its only hope for regeneration. * Finally, the characters return to the "kingdom" proper or are about to return when the play ends. Comedy of Manners: This kind of comedy is the one that best describes The Importance of Being Earnest. English comedies deal with "the relations and intrigues of men and women living in a polished and sophisticated society, relying for comic effect in great part on the wit and sparkle of the dialogue--often in the form of repartee, a witty conversational give-and-take which constitutes a kind of verbal fencing match--and to a lesser degree, on the ridiculous violations of social conventions and decorum by stupid characters such as would-be-wits, jealous husbands, and foppish dandies." The Impor... ...y ideal to love someone by the name of Ernest." One view among critics is that Wilde is saying that marriage based on class by birthright is no less stupid that marriage based on something else a baby cannot control: say, his name. In the play many other examples occur of things that cannot be controlled but people act as if they could be: "Some aunts are tall, some aunts are not tall. That is surely a matter that an aunt may be allowed to decide for herself." "I think it is high time that Mr Bunbury made up his mind whether he was to live or die." The play also trivialises other things, like religion, death, customs and manners, etc. For instance, when Algy tells his Aunt Augusta that his friend Bunbury died when his doctors told him he could not possibly live, her only concern is that he acted under the proper medical advice of his physician.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Computer support specialist

Dad we have fixed this issue before did you not take notes. â€Å", So as I talked him through the steps again we got it working. I have chosen to become a computer support specialist. Computer Support specialist Is a helpful type of Job. It can be very flexible. I got to thinking about the way things were going and wanted to start a real career. I did some research and found this Information maybe someone else could use it to help them.A computer support specialist helps all types of people with imputer problems. One can chose to help the regular Joe or a big corporation. One would be able to solve issues with the software of a computer. One could help setup a networking system to insure everything in the house is running properly. One can easily do these tasks from home if it were necessary, therefore allowing some extra flexibility. I don't know about any of you but helping someone out is a great feeling. The expected growth prospects for this field are to be faster than most pro fessions.Job prospects are expected to increase by around fourteen percent, since computer re more widely utilized both by businesses and Individuals. There will be a greater need for assistance by anyone that utilizes a computer. One can help the common household with a computer slow down Issue. Maybe one has gotten a virus on the computer, a computer support specialist could help to remove the virus or speed up one's computer. The workplace could be described in different manners depending on the company. One could actually be working in a single office environment. Some workers will be required to do onsite work.There are also some that even work in heir home. Typically the single office will be divided into cubicles. You will have a computer, phone and other standard office materials. (Bureau of labor Statistics, 2010-2011) A person can expect to earn around $26,580 to $55,990 a year. These numbers will depend on ones level of education and experience in the field. It could also depend on the company one choose to work for. (Bureau of labor Statistics, 2010-2011) A person can get by with a simple certification. Some companies will do specific software training once you start working for them.Some companies will quire a bachelor degree. A person will have to receive periodic update training. As the computer systems change you will need to keep up with the new programs. (.NET online, 2011) Setting up computer networks will also change. In order to do this job there are several qualities you need to possess. You will need to be able to listen actively. It is also required that you be able to communicate on several levels. There may be several Jobs to complete you will need to be able to manage your time. You will also need to be able to teach others how to understand the process you are doing.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Aust studies essays

Aust studies essays Since 1988 Australia has changed quite a bit, one would hope it was for the better and it looks that way. As Australians we have become more health conscious and we have stopped being ashamed of our multiculturalism. There are three domains where change can be noticed the most. These are: Environment, Culture and Social systems. In each of these domains over the past twelve years Australia has become more diverse in culture, richer in Environment and more giving and learned in Social systems. From the mid twentieth century Australia has been a nation of people who flock to the beach on the weekends as a ritual. Everyone eagerly awaited the arrival of a radio stations car or truck to spray them in cooking oil so they could roast on the beach (quite literally). twelve Years on we have discovered such actions result in less than desirable outcomes and no longer do we wait for the car to spray us with cooking oil but to give us packets of sunscreen. We have made this step forward collectively so that our horrendous rate of death from skin cancer will hopefully drop. Although its like denuding us of our stereotypical "no worries" attitude to life now, we have to worry about our health before our fun and social life. In the pre nineteen eighties almost every suburban Australian household had an English garden, with roses and hedges and anything English they could find. This was most probably a reminder of the earlier times when it was hand on heart and all love the monarchy. Unfortunately this is now a phenomenon that has plagued Australia for far too long. However this trend is dieting thankfully to the republican movement and the gardeners who believe that replanting Australia in it natural species of flora is the best way of going to get back our rugged "outback" feel and get our natural fauna eating our own food and not some English or introduced species. We are slowly but surely getting into the new beat tha ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Value of the You Attitude in Professional Writing

The Value of the 'You Attitude' in Professional Writing The you attitude is more than a matter of playing with  pronouns or even of playing nice. Its good business. In professional writing, the you attitude means looking at a topic from the readers point of view (you) instead of our own (me): Me Attitude: I have requested that your order is sent out today.You Attitude: You will receive your order by Wednesday. In emails, letters, and reports, emphasizing what our readers want or need to know is likely to generate goodwill and lead to positive results. Why It's All About You, You, You Put yourself in the readers place and think about the kinds of emails and letters that you like to receive. Messages that are stuffy, pushy, and vague? Unlikely. Messages that elicit a positive response are generally positive themselves: courteous and considerate, with just enough information to anticipate the most common questions and concerns. In any case, dont make your message all about me or us. If youre trying to persuade your readers to buy a product, accept an offer, pay a bill, or perform a service for you, emphasize whats in it for them. You're in Good Hands or Maybe Not Heres an excerpt from a letter (addressed to Insured followed by a ten-digit number) that shows a marked insensitivity to the you attitude: As a participating company of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), policies written through Allstate Flood are subject to periodic reviews by the Risk Mitigation Unit of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This review process serves to ensure that policies have been properly rated based on the supporting documentation provided and according to the rules and regulations set forth by the NFIP... The above referenced policy was reviewed by the Flood Service Center and it has been determined that this policy has been rated incorrectly, or that additional information or clarification of submitted documentation is required to ensure that the policy has been properly rated. The following items are needed to complete the underwriting file and establish the proper rate for this account ... Clearly, its going to take more than a ​you to fix this letter. For one thing, theres not even a ​we here. The persistent use of the passive voice obscures any sense of a human subject a problem also demonstrated by the signature line, which reads (sincerely and monolithically), Allstate Flood Underwriting. One presumption of the you attitude is that both writer and reader are real people. But like the wrapper on a loaf of Wonder Bread, the Allstate letter might just as well say, Never touched by human hands. The multiple-choice format of the second paragraph only deepens the mystery. Just who reviewed, determined, and rated? Thats not for us to know. Has the policy been rated incorrectly for the past eight years, and if so, when and how did this blunder come to light? Has information been misplaced dropped behind a filing cabinet, say, or deleted by a clumsy intern? All things are possible in the stilted language of this form letter, and nothing is certain. Except for one thing, of course: it looks like our rates are going up again. Five Guidelines for Writing With the "You Attitude" Establish a good, respectful relationship with your readers by addressing them directly, writing in the active voice and using the second person (you, your, and yours), not just the first (I, me, mine, we, us, and ours).Try to empathize with your readers. Ask yourself: what do they want, what do they need to know, and whats in it for them? Rather than focus on your product, your service, or yourself, stress how your readers will benefit from complying with your message.Earn the respect of your readers by being courteous, tactful, and gracious.And finally, if youre ever tempted to write it should go without saying, stifle the impulse.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Loves Misfortunes A Midsummer Night’s Dream, is a romantic comedy written by William Shakespeare. It deals with the feelings of love and marriage as well as the laws and social order of the time. The story contains fairies and other mystical creatures who take it upon themselves to guide the mortals in the directions they think necessary. This leads to many hilarious situations and misfortunes for the humans. There are many characters in the play and, for the most part, each one is in love with one of the other characters. The play starts with Theseus, the Duke of Athens, proposing to Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons. This is the only couple throughout the play who seem to never waver in their love for each other. These two seem to have a perfect love for each other, much like the love Hermia and Lysander have for each other before the fairies intervene. The other couple in the story that are of royal blood are Oberon, the king of the fairies, and Titania, the queen of the fairies. These two are having a lovers quarrel which has sent the seasons out of order and caused great disorder. Oberon is in love with Hoppolyta and Titania is in love with Theseus. Their lovers quarrels provide much of the comedy in the play. The other four characters caught in love triangles are Lysander and Hermia, who are in love with each other, Demetrius who loves Hermia, and Helena who loves Demetrius. Lysander and Hermia wish to marry each other but Hermia’s father, Egeus, will not allow it. Egeus wishes his daughter to marry Demetrius so he brings the matter to the attention of the king in hope that the law will be enforced. The law states that Hermia must marry whomever her father chooses or be put to death or live the rest of her life as a nun. She is given until the next full moon to decide. Lysander suggests to Hermia that they run away into the woods together. This is where the rest of the play takes place. Lysander and Hermia fl... Free Essays on A Midsummer Night’s Dream Free Essays on A Midsummer Night’s Dream Loves Misfortunes A Midsummer Night’s Dream, is a romantic comedy written by William Shakespeare. It deals with the feelings of love and marriage as well as the laws and social order of the time. The story contains fairies and other mystical creatures who take it upon themselves to guide the mortals in the directions they think necessary. This leads to many hilarious situations and misfortunes for the humans. There are many characters in the play and, for the most part, each one is in love with one of the other characters. The play starts with Theseus, the Duke of Athens, proposing to Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons. This is the only couple throughout the play who seem to never waver in their love for each other. These two seem to have a perfect love for each other, much like the love Hermia and Lysander have for each other before the fairies intervene. The other couple in the story that are of royal blood are Oberon, the king of the fairies, and Titania, the queen of the fairies. These two are having a lovers quarrel which has sent the seasons out of order and caused great disorder. Oberon is in love with Hoppolyta and Titania is in love with Theseus. Their lovers quarrels provide much of the comedy in the play. The other four characters caught in love triangles are Lysander and Hermia, who are in love with each other, Demetrius who loves Hermia, and Helena who loves Demetrius. Lysander and Hermia wish to marry each other but Hermia’s father, Egeus, will not allow it. Egeus wishes his daughter to marry Demetrius so he brings the matter to the attention of the king in hope that the law will be enforced. The law states that Hermia must marry whomever her father chooses or be put to death or live the rest of her life as a nun. She is given until the next full moon to decide. Lysander suggests to Hermia that they run away into the woods together. This is where the rest of the play takes place. Lysander and Hermia fl...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Views of Marx and J.S.Mills on Accumulation and Crises Essay

Views of Marx and J.S.Mills on Accumulation and Crises - Essay Example Karl Marx In his theory of surplus value, Marx asserts that the working class or the proletariat exchange their labour for wages with the capitalist class or the bourgeoisie. Unlike in slave and feudal societies where goods were produced for consumption, in capitalist economy, commodities are produced for exchange in the market with the value of exchange being money. Since labour is also exchanged for wages, it is also regarded as a commodity and social relations assume mysterious form of relationship between things concealed by a veil of money. The labourers are alienated from the means of production and produce goods for the capitalists which they in turn exchange to get a profit. However, if workers are productive, they produce more than they would have produced in a normal working day but all the profit realised goes to the capitalist as labourers receive only the normal wages. This is what Marx referred as surplus value of labour (Eatwell and Milgate 2011, p. 192). According to Marx, the surplus value in feudal societies is consumed while in capitalist societies, surplus value is reinvested to produce more surplus value. He referred to reinvestment of surplus value as accumulation of capital (Callinicos 2011). However, the motive for accumulation is not greed but a result of social mechanisms which result in competition between many capitals and a capital that does not reinvest itself is pushed out of the market. As observed by Eatwell and Milgate (2011, p. 195) capitalist production involves circuit of capital from money and commodity. The money is used to produce commodity which is then sold for money used to produce more items. However, difficulties may arise when converting commodity to money because money need not be turned immediately to commodity hence sale and purchases are separated. The seller can hoard money if the investment is not yielding enough profits hence breaking the cycle and therefore, the possibility of crisis is inevitable. In the cr isis theory, Marx asserted that the origin of crisis is the systemic elements of capitalism as a mode of production and basic social order (Callinicos, 2011). These factors include: full employment profit squeeze, underconsumption, and tendency of the rate of profit to fall. In feudal societies, a crisis occurs due to underconsumption but in capitalist societies, it is based on the law of tendency of the rate of profit to fall. As xxx observes the tendency of the rate of profit to fall is due to increased labour productivity which makes demands on the constant capital such as machinery or raw materials. As a result, amount of constant capital grows relative to variable capital leading to higher composition of organic capital and consequently low profit. The value of constant capital according to Marx does not depend on original cost of labour time but labour time for reproducing it hence it diminishes as labour productivity grows leading to low profit. In his study, Marx asserts tha t permanent crises does not exist as indicated by Smith and Malthus in their analysis that overproduction leads to permanent reduction in rate of profit. He believes that a crisis is a transitory stage of capital accumulation and therefore short-run effect. In the process of capital accumu

Friday, October 18, 2019

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - Essay Example It promotes a sense of togetherness and collective responsibility that reflects in the increased output and improved performance outcome of the organizational goals and objectives. The HR perspective would be evaluated for Ando Enterprises for its steadily decreasing profits. Ando Enterprises Plc is a successful business venture which has three major divisions: Agriculture; Hotels and Leisure; and Transport. Hotel and Leisure arm of the business is the most profitable, followed by Transport and Agriculture. In the last three years, the profits have been falling steadily. There has been distinct lack of uniformity in human resource strategy in the three different units of the company. There also seems to be lack of effective business strategy and work culture within the organization. Julie Beardwell and Tim Claydon, assert that the theoretical concept of human resource management has become ‘fuzzy concept’ with abstract empiricism and needs to be looked from a wider perspective of providing the invaluable human capital that can meet the challenges of the rapid globalization and advancing technology (Beardwell & Claydon, 2007). Hence effective HR strategy becomes the major challenge that brings together diverse ideologies and interests of the workforce to promote common goals. Indeed, the globalization has given a new perspective to the business which needs to look beyond the local interests and operate on a wider platform based on common goals and universal value system. Since employees are the pillar of the organization, the role of HRM becomes crucial in the employment of its workforce. In the emerging challenges of the changing business equations, when the labor deployment is undergoing quantitative and qualitative transformations, organizational leadership redefines strategic goals to create versatility and flexibility of the contemporary work environment. Social scientists have

Categories of Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Categories of Crime - Essay Example As stated previously, criminal law differs from civil law in that it requires an agent of the government, whether state or federal, to charge someone accused of a crime and prove that they are guilty of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Except in cases where the accused has foregone, or waived, his right to a trial by a jury, the decision of guilt or innocence must be determined by a jury of his or her peers, usually a twelve-person group of randomly selected citizens that have no knowledge of the crime that the defendant has committed (American Bar Association, 2011). This is to help protect the accused by forcing the jury to make a decision of guilt or innocence based on what they hear in the courtroom, not what they have read, heard, or seen somewhere else (American Bar Association, 2011). The two most common types of crimes prosecuted in state courts involve felonies and misdemeanors. Felonies are the more serious of the two, and usually come with a penalty of no less than 12 months in prison, and can be punishable by death in some states (Cornell University Law School, 2010). ... After the War for Independence, a push was made for less of a harsh legal system, and through the years certain crimes have undergone evolution. For example, murder was split into two categories, and a bill was duly passed by the 1794 Pennsylvania legislature to include felony murder in the category of first-degree murders (McClain, and Kahan, 2002). Other crimes as well, such as the actions that constitute a misdemeanor, have seen their own evolution through the legal system since colonial times (McClain, and Kahan, 2002). Espionage and treason differ from felonies and misdemeanor crimes in that they are most often considered federal crimes, and as such are usually tried in a federal court, not by state courts. As per the Federal Judiciary System, the federal courts are involved because the United States is quite often the party in the case. Even in cases of industrial espionage, or trade secrets, it is a federal crime made so by the Economic Espionage Act of 1996, in which two sect ions, according to the House of Representatives and Title 18 of the United States Code, criminalized the act of both foreign economic espionage, and commercial economic espionage. Espionage, according to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary, is defined as â€Å"the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans and activities especially of a foreign government or competing company†, while according to the Constitution, treason is an act of war against levied one’s own country (U.S. Government Printing). More specifically, it is defined in modern times by the U.S. Code, Title 18, which states, in part, that whoever has allegiance to the United

Proposals Presented For the Rectification of the Anomalies of Building Assignment - 1

Proposals Presented For the Rectification of the Anomalies of Building an Olympic Arena - Assignment Example This paper illustrates that the first proposal calls for the acceleration in the pouring of seat gallery supports at an extra cost of  £130,000 but reduce the period by six weeks. This is highly critical and crucial in the sense that project management aims at finishing the project in the required time to safeguard the dignity of the company. The reduction in operation time would see the provision for time to repair the fracture while the workers are deployed to the infrastructure project to alleviate any labor cost loss. The second proposal takes into consideration proposal one with the inclusion of placing a double shift on the arena’s floor foundation task. A total cost of  £195,000 would be incurred with a relief of 9 weeks duration that would go a long way in ascertaining for the necessary time to repair the fracture and complete the project in time. Regarding the importance of the roof in the sense that many activities cannot commence until the roof is done, the use of three shifts, as well as overtime work, will mainly heighten the pace of roofing. This will see the roofing completion six weeks than scheduled at an extra cost of  £60,000. The option for overtime and shifts clearly shows the increase in the cost of production but in the real sense, it is safeguarding the company’s commitment to delivering its project undertaking on time. This would see it go a notch higher in the improvement of quality delivery and certainty.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Critical annotated webliography Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical webliography - Annotated Bibliography Example or problem of public health among adolescents in Ireland, due to the fact that it exacerbates the respiratory conditions, decreases the lung volumes’ growth when the lung is exposed to smoke before maximum growth and is also an independent risk factor for the lung cancer. The quote above indicates the extent of effect tobacco smoking has had on the young people. This trend should be discouraged at all costs. The website reports that studies have proved that smoking initiation at an early stage in life poses a greater risk of cancer, years of tobacco smoking and independent of tobacco smoking intensity, due to the mutation of the cell in the underdeveloped tissue resulting to the malignant potential in the long run. According to the department of Health, â€Å"the Government approved the principle of prohibiting smoking in cars with children present† (Web). Indeed, this is a clear prove that smoking among young people is of a great concern. In a nutshell, this website has adequate information that will be useful to the researcher when carrying out research on tobacco smoking. Moreover, the quote above has highlighted some of the measures put in place to ensure that there is a reduction in smoking by the young people. These measures are significant and more should be put in place. This website is relevant when carrying out research on tobacco smoking since it contains studies that have been carried out on the various aspect of tobacco smoking including its dangers. Reported in the website, the Department of Children and Health in Ireland came up with a policy document that was titled Ireland a Smoke Free Zone: Towards a Tobacco Free Society. The policy document was formulated with an aim of reducing the smoking levels within the Irish society in order to prevent children from developing smoking habits. There are five main priority areas that were identified in the context of young people and the children reducing the smoking rates as well as the effects of the

Housing law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Housing law - Essay Example Tackling both anti-social behavior and the causes of it has become a priority for the Government, Housing Corporation, RSL, and Local Authorities. Communities are demanding more effective ways to deal with this disease. "The Housing Corporation in its publication, "Themes from Inspection - Anti-Social Behavior" (June 2003) states: "Potential perpetrators must understand the consequences of anti-social behavior including the possible loss of their home, and realize that the association will take a tough line on unacceptable conduct". Property developers therefore have developed effective policies and procedures for tackling antisocial behavior in the areas in which it operates and we will work in partnership with residents and relevant agencies to ensure, as far as possible, that residents take responsibility for their actions and behave in a way which does not harass or intimidate others". "Anti-social behavior can have different meaning for different people. ... ose numerous unemployed junkie people begging by cash points, abandoned cars, litter and graffiti, young people using air guns to threaten and intimidate or people using fireworks as weapons", said David Blunkett, Home Secretary, in March 2003. Anti-Social Behavior - Statement of Policy, Cathy Jackson: H:My DocumentsPolicies & ProceduresASBFinal Statement of ASB Policy- Dec 2004.doc) To substantiate the Home Secretary's statement and policy, and to provide clarification to staff and residents, most property developers have brought the following actions under anti-social behavior: Use of threatening or offensive language Offensive drunkenness Using a property or any of the communal areas on a scheme for immoral or Illegal purposes, such as prostitution, or illegal manufacture, sale or use of drugs Excessive domestic noise, whether from radios, televisions, hi-fis, musical instruments, social activity, daytime or late night parties or gatherings The lighting of bonfires in the garden of a property or in any of the communal areas on a scheme The depositing of litter or rubbish either in the garden of a property or in any of the communal areas on a development or estate owned or managed by Accord Failure to control the behavior of pets including taking adequate precautions to prevent the fouling of neighboring areas The playing of ball games sufficiently close to neighboring homes so as to cause a nuisance or damage to Accord's property including boundary fences, trees and shrubs The carrying out of maintenance or repairs to motor vehicles other than those normally used for domestic purposes by the resident or members of their household Using threatening or aggressive behavior towards visitors. Physical Violence Harassment in any form, like due to a person's

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Proposals Presented For the Rectification of the Anomalies of Building Assignment - 1

Proposals Presented For the Rectification of the Anomalies of Building an Olympic Arena - Assignment Example This paper illustrates that the first proposal calls for the acceleration in the pouring of seat gallery supports at an extra cost of  £130,000 but reduce the period by six weeks. This is highly critical and crucial in the sense that project management aims at finishing the project in the required time to safeguard the dignity of the company. The reduction in operation time would see the provision for time to repair the fracture while the workers are deployed to the infrastructure project to alleviate any labor cost loss. The second proposal takes into consideration proposal one with the inclusion of placing a double shift on the arena’s floor foundation task. A total cost of  £195,000 would be incurred with a relief of 9 weeks duration that would go a long way in ascertaining for the necessary time to repair the fracture and complete the project in time. Regarding the importance of the roof in the sense that many activities cannot commence until the roof is done, the use of three shifts, as well as overtime work, will mainly heighten the pace of roofing. This will see the roofing completion six weeks than scheduled at an extra cost of  £60,000. The option for overtime and shifts clearly shows the increase in the cost of production but in the real sense, it is safeguarding the company’s commitment to delivering its project undertaking on time. This would see it go a notch higher in the improvement of quality delivery and certainty.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Housing law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Housing law - Essay Example Tackling both anti-social behavior and the causes of it has become a priority for the Government, Housing Corporation, RSL, and Local Authorities. Communities are demanding more effective ways to deal with this disease. "The Housing Corporation in its publication, "Themes from Inspection - Anti-Social Behavior" (June 2003) states: "Potential perpetrators must understand the consequences of anti-social behavior including the possible loss of their home, and realize that the association will take a tough line on unacceptable conduct". Property developers therefore have developed effective policies and procedures for tackling antisocial behavior in the areas in which it operates and we will work in partnership with residents and relevant agencies to ensure, as far as possible, that residents take responsibility for their actions and behave in a way which does not harass or intimidate others". "Anti-social behavior can have different meaning for different people. ... ose numerous unemployed junkie people begging by cash points, abandoned cars, litter and graffiti, young people using air guns to threaten and intimidate or people using fireworks as weapons", said David Blunkett, Home Secretary, in March 2003. Anti-Social Behavior - Statement of Policy, Cathy Jackson: H:My DocumentsPolicies & ProceduresASBFinal Statement of ASB Policy- Dec 2004.doc) To substantiate the Home Secretary's statement and policy, and to provide clarification to staff and residents, most property developers have brought the following actions under anti-social behavior: Use of threatening or offensive language Offensive drunkenness Using a property or any of the communal areas on a scheme for immoral or Illegal purposes, such as prostitution, or illegal manufacture, sale or use of drugs Excessive domestic noise, whether from radios, televisions, hi-fis, musical instruments, social activity, daytime or late night parties or gatherings The lighting of bonfires in the garden of a property or in any of the communal areas on a scheme The depositing of litter or rubbish either in the garden of a property or in any of the communal areas on a development or estate owned or managed by Accord Failure to control the behavior of pets including taking adequate precautions to prevent the fouling of neighboring areas The playing of ball games sufficiently close to neighboring homes so as to cause a nuisance or damage to Accord's property including boundary fences, trees and shrubs The carrying out of maintenance or repairs to motor vehicles other than those normally used for domestic purposes by the resident or members of their household Using threatening or aggressive behavior towards visitors. Physical Violence Harassment in any form, like due to a person's

An analysis of television chat shows Essay Example for Free

An analysis of television chat shows Essay Television chat shows are probably the favourite genre of the majority of daytime viewers, with the schedule full to bursting point with them, there are few channels that show fewer than two chat shows on a daily basis. There are few times when you can switch on your television and the screen not be filled with the smiling faces of a chat show host and his guests. There are a wide range of chat show styles but they all conform to the same basic conventions. The conventions are that the host is famous and often comes from a journalistic background and their show is named after them. The guests are famous people and come on to the shows to promote themselves etc. the set is basic with just a few chairs and sometimes a table and also there is an audience who are in the studio watching the show live. In the traditional style chat shows these conventions are followed as if they were law. In the newer forms of chat shows these rules arent followed as closely. Although they have a host, guest and audience there set is not basic and is full of props such as computers and fake plants to add effect. The purpose of this assignment is to analyse and explore a traditional chat show in the style of Parkinson and a new-age style chat show in the form of Friday Nights All Wright Michael Parkinson is assuredly the finest example of a traditional British television chat show host. His show Parkinson is well respected, highly respective and conservative and is produced by the B. B. C. his reputation exceeds him and this is echoed by the shows status. The way that Parkinson dresses also reflects the style and status of the show. As well as the dress code of the show, the title sequence is also very sophisticated. The title sequence is an integral part of the show because it is the first thing that is seen by the viewers, so it will have to display the style and reputation of the show as well as appeal to the more mature viewers which is the shows intended audience. The title sequence for Parkinson consists of numerous still shots of previous guests such as Billy connel1y and Heather Mills-McCartney smiling and looking relaxed and comfortable. Some of the shots are posed but the majority look as if they were taken during the show, this gives the audience the idea the guests are normal people and that the show is in a very relaxing environment. As the title sequence comes to an end we are presented with a montage of celebrities faces which them form a real still shot of Parkinsons face and this then goes in to a dissolve and into the show. The music used to accompany the opening title sequence is classy, cheerful and has a big band feeling, which I think would appeal to the viewers of the show because generally the people who watch the B. B. C are from the older generation and are therefore more conservative than the viewers of I. T. V. Parkinsons entrance is stylish and grand. He enters at the top of a staircase to the theme music from the show and walks slowly to his seat; this grand entrance is a convention of a typical television chat show. It is at this point that it becomes clear who is in charge of the show. Compared with this grand entrance the entrances of Parkinsons guests are mediocre. Elton john entrance is from the side of the stage probably because he had just been performing his latest song. When Parkinson introduces Elton john he is full of compliments and the language he uses is full of flattery. He refers to Elton john as a superstar of Rock and Roll and lately ennobled. This may be used to make Elton feel relaxed and confident. He uses these phrases so that the audience will have to guess who the guest is and this will help to create suspense amongst the audience because he does not mention his guests name until the end of his monologue. After Elton takes his seat his body language is quite defensive with his hands clenched together and he doesnt look straight at his interviewer. Parkinsons body language shows that he is confident and open and I also think it shows he is experienced. He sits with a straight back and his hands are open palms up on his lap. Parkinsons opening question to Elton is whats up I think this simple question is used to direct the interviewee to the reason for his appearance on the show. It also shows that although Parkinson uses formal language his language can also include some Yorkshire dialect. Elton John answers politely and hints at why he is on the show. The body language of Parkinson is open and appealing, this is so that the guest will feel relaxed in his company and will answer his questions more openly. Eltons body language shows that e is defensive and doesnt want to reveal too much to his host. The style of questioning used by Parkinson is set so that it would help Elton to open up and become more confident in the answers he gives. Although the questions were probably agreed before the show they will still tell the audience what they want to know about the guest. Elton Johns appearance on the show in terms of his reasons for being on the programme fulfil the conventions of a chat show because he is on the show to promote something that he is doing at the moment in his career and one of the conventions of a chat show is that the guest in famous and appears on the show to promote there career. The set for the show is simple yet sophisticated. It has a pale blue background which is used to relax the interviewee and it gives the studio a modern look. Also there is a hint of pink which would make the studio warm and homely. The guest and host sit close together separated only by a small table. The guests who had appeared earlier on in the show sit further away from the host but they are still quite close. There are probably four cameras used to film this show. One camera will cover both host and guest, this would be used when the host is asking a question. Two cameras would cover the host and his guest individually, these cameras would be used to show the person who is speaking. The final camera is used to cover all four people that are on the stage. Most of the cameras are fixed and would just cut from shot to shot throughout the show. When the guest is speaking they would use a big close-up to show their facial expressions and emotions. The audience only participate in the show when a guest or the host enters onto the stage or when a guest finishes a performance. Ian Wright is a light weight chat show host when compared with Parkinson. His show Friday nights all Wright is not as well known as Parkinson and it is targeted towards the younger generation viewers. It is not a very conservative show which is a characteristic of the house style of I. T. V 1 which is not a conservative channel. His reputation as a chat show host is limited but his reputation as a footballer is legendary. Ian Wrights dress code reflects the style of the show. He is wearing a black short sleeved t-shirt and imitation leather pants. The style of the show is also tacky compared to the sophisticated Parkinson. In the clip Ian Wright comes onto the show to loud music, this music is similar to the type of music played in night clubs and it gives the impression that this show is modern. Prince Naseem enters onto the stage accompanied by the same loud music played when he enters the boxing ring. He goes straight to Ian Wright and high-fives him and then he goes into the audience and interacts with them. He walks through the audience and plays up to them and shakes hands with them. When he returns to the stage he once again high fives Wright. When he takes his seat naseem sits with his arms open wide, this show that he is confident and cocky. The opening question asked by Ian Wright is so why did it take you so long to get in the ring? he uses this question as a joke to make naseem feel at home. He also adds talk to me in a Jamaican accent to make the audience laugh. The language used throughout the show is slang and it is not very sophisticated and this echoes the style of the show. The set is cheap and simple with a fake brick wall background to give a feel of the inside of a house and there is a mural of the country side on another wall which I think is supposed to give a calming and relaxing effect. The host sits on a simple purple leather chair with a table with a C. C. T. V screen on top of it. Then there is another simple purple sofa for the guest to sit on. There are two steps down from the stage and in this area the audience sit in groups on simple chairs around small tables as if they were in a pub or night club. In the corner of the studio there is a cage containing football fans. I think that there are probably three cameras, the first is at the back of the studio and is used to show the guest, host and audience together and the second and third cameras are used so that both the host and guest have individual shots when they are speaking. The audience participate more in this show than in Parkinson because they shake hands with the guest when he enters and also they laugh a lot more than in Parkinson and the laughing is not forced as it often is in Parkinson. The most effect of these two chat shows is probably Parkinson because it will appeal to a wider audience than Friday nights all Wright and also the guest will be more sophisticated and well known than those on Ian Wrights show. Out of the two chat shows I think I prefer Parkinson because there is a wider range of guests and the guests are often in the news at the time so I like to hear there views on current affairs.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Difference Between Operating Systems And Application Software

Difference Between Operating Systems And Application Software What is application software? A  program  or group of programs designed for  end users. Application  software can be divided into two general classes:  systems software  and  applications software. Systems software consists of low-level programs that interact with the  computer  at a very basic level. This includes  operating systems compilers , and  utilities  for managing computer  resources. In contrast, applications software (also called  end-user  programs) includes database  programs,  word processors, and  spreadsheets. Figuratively speaking, applications software sits on top of systems software because it is unable to  run  without the operating system and  system  utilities. There are a lot of terms can be found over the internet related to computer. All type of computer have processor, Memory, keyboard, mouse and screen to display output. But their is a significant difference how people or organizations use computes for their usage. We can divide all type of computers to 6 categories. Personal Computer ,Server Computer, Mainframe Computer , Super Computer, Embedded Computer, Mobile Computer. Operating  Systems Software  designed  to  handle  basic  elements  of  computer  operation,such  as  sending  instructions  to  hardware  devices  like  disk  drives and  computer  screens,  and  allocating  system  resources  such  as memory  to  different  software  applications  being  run.  Given uniformly  designed  operating  systems  that  run  on  many  different computers,  developers  of  software  do  not  need  to  concern themselves  with  these  problems,  and  are  provided  with  a  standard platform  for  new  programs. Application software  is a subclass of  computer software  that employs the capabilities of a computer directly to a task that the user wishes to perform. This should be contrasted with  system software  which is involved in integrating a computers various capabilities, but does not directly apply them in the performance of tasks that benefit the user. Custom Applications The software is tailor-made software.  The software developed to meet all the requirements specified by the user. General Applications This type of software developers to carry out specific tasks in mind the overall requirements.  Many users can use it, because it meets the general requirements. Application software is computer software, which uses a computer the ability to direct and complete the task, users want to run sub-classes. This should be contrasted with system software, the software is the integration of various functions in the computer, but usually not directly applicable to the task, a user-friendly performance. In an application suite usually have a separate application user interface with some common makes it easier for users to learn and use each application. Often they may have some capacity, with people in ways that favor the user. For example, a spreadsheet might be able to document in a word processor, even if it has been in the embedded application to create a separate spreadsheet.  User-written software tailors systems to meet users specific needs. User-written software include spreadsheet templates, word processor macros, scientific simulations, graphics and animation scripts. Users create this software themselves how important it is often overlooked.  In some types of embedded systems, application software and operating system software may be unable to distinguish between users, such as software used to control the VCR, DVD player or microwave oven case. Operating system The use of low-level computer software called the operating system (O / S), to help people build and run their own programs.  Operating system software runs not only in notebook computers, but also mobile phones, network routers and other so-called embedded devices. The type of operating system Operating system is a set of procedures, control application software, the user runs the hardware provided between the collection and the current software running on the computer link.  The operating system is also responsible for the management and control of all resources (memory, hard drives, monitors, etc.) between them may be running different applications at the same time share the work. The most famous of the operating system used on personal computers: -Microsoft Windows -Mac OS X, -Linux, Some operating systems are designed for certain types of equipment, such as Google Android (Linux, a variant), and Symbian the mobile phone The Solaris and HP UX, and dangerous goods UX and other Unix variants for server computers December VM (Virtual Memory System) used to host computer Other operating systems to enjoy the notoriety of the period, but now only historical interest are: Novells Netware is the personal computer 90 in the 20th century, the popular O / S IBMs OS / 2 was an early PC-O / Ss competition with Microsoft Windows for a time, but limited success Multics is a particularly innovative in the mainframe operating system created in the 60s of last century, which affected the future of Unix development. Different between Operating System and Application Software The Operating System is the System Software that makes the Computer work. We can say that an Operating System (OS) is Software that acts as an interface between you and the hardware. It not only contains drivers used to speak the hardwares language, but also offers you a very specific graphical user interface (GUI) to control the computer. An OS can also act as an interface (from the hardware) to the other software. A complex OS like Windows or Linux or Mac OS offers the services of an OS, but also has applications built in. Solitaire, Paint, Messenger, etc. are all applications. Application software is the software that you install onto your Operating System. It consists of the programs that actually let you do things with your computer. These Applications are written to run under the various Operating Systems. These include things like your word processing programs, spread sheets, email clients, web browser, games, etc. Many programs, such as most of the Microsoft Office suite of programs, are written in both Mac and Windows versions, but you still have to have the right version for your OS. So, the operating system of a computer is the software that allows the computer work. It provides the framework under which the applications run. The Operating system of a Computer is the Software that allows the Computer work. It provides the framework under which the Applications run. An operating system is the type of Computer system you have such as Window XP or Window 95, 98, Mac, etc. The applications are the software that actually allows the user to do something with the computer. Without the applications, all you can do is change settings and navigate among the folders.The Applications are the Software that actually allows the user to do something with the Computer. Without the applications, all you can do is change settings and navigate among the folders. You can purchase its CD from a software company or download from a software companys web site. Types of Computer Systems Different  types of computer  systems are nowadays available for different purposes according the user needs.When youll have to  order  yours or even to build it, you should  first  define the  expected use of your computer.This step will help you to  describe  the basic capabilities and know the costs of your system. Example : Personal Computer ,Server Computer, Mainframe Computer , Super Computer, Embeded Computer, Mobile Computer. Supercomputers Supercomputers are the most fastest, and expensive modern computer systems. They are mostly used for intense processing and forecasting such as forecasting the weather, or super high resolution graphics such as ray traced images. Government processes such as immigration clearances, and all other high level functionalities are handled by a supercomputer. Supercomputers are also extensively used in the military to manage and calculate or even analyze full range of information from coordinates to traffic control and even launching systems. Today, the worlds fastest supercomputer was developed by IBM the IBM Roadrunner which runs on 1.026 1.105 Pflops or petaflops and is placed in the Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico USA taking up a space of 6000 square feet. Mainframe computers Mainframe computers are used in large organizations such as insurance companies and banks, where many people frequently need to use the same data. In a traditional mainframe environment, each user accesses the mainframes resources through a terminal (network terminal). There are two kinds of terminal, one is a dumb terminal which does not process or store data, just basic I/O input output and the intelligent terminal which can perform processing operations but these terminals normally do not have any storage. Mainframes are large and powerful systems to handle the processing of thousands of users at any one time. Most large organizations implement mainframes due to their flexibilities in which department computers can be allocated a certain functionality that is related to the department in response to all programs. For instance, an airline company which wishes to sell tickets online through the internet will require to connect their current website interface to a mainframe system. You as the user would then connect to the website or the mainframe system to key in your ticket purchase. Personal computers Microcomputer  designed for use by one person at a time. A typical PC assemblage comprises a  CPU; internal  memory  consisting of  RAM  and  ROM; data storage devices (including a  hard disc, a  floppy disc, or  CD-ROM); and input/output devices (including a display screen, keyboard,  mouse, and  printer). The PC industry began in 1977 when Apple Computer, Inc. (now  Apple Inc.), introduced the Apple II. Radio Shack and Commodore Business Machines also introduced PCs that year.  IBM  entered the PC market in 1981. The IBM PC, with increased memory capacity and backed by IBMs large sales organization, quickly became the industry standard. Apples Macintosh (1984) was particularly useful for  desktop publishing.  Microsoft Corp. introduced MS  Windows(1985), a  graphical user interface  that gave PCs many of the capabilities of the Macintosh, initially as an overlay of  MS-DOS. Windows went on to replace MS-DOS as the dominant  operating syst em  for personal computers. Uses of PCs multiplied as the machines became more powerful and application  software  proliferated. Today, PCs are used for  word processing,  Internet  access, and many other daily tasks. Computer servers Computer servers are among the most important infrastructure in any organization. The basic answer to the question what is a computer server, lies in the name of the term. It is a computer that serves all the computers or terminals, that are connected to it. Applications are stored in this computer and the other computer terminals connected to it, can access it. Although  computer  servers used to only be a part of enterprise networks, servers have now become a part of smaller, home or office networks. Servers can be used for several functions, such as supporting files, backups, security or gaming. For enterprise applications, servers are usually high-powered machines that can handle many requests from clients. Home or small-office servers can be another desktop that is used for file sharing and printing. Embedded Computer An  embedded system  is a special-purpose  computer  system, which is completely encapsulated by the device it controls. An embedded system has specific requirements and performs pre-defined tasks, unlike a general-purpose  personal computer. Programs on an embedded system often must run with  real-time  constraints with limited  hardware  resources: often there is no disk drive, operating system, keyboard or screen. A  flash drive  may replace rotating media, and a small keypad and  LCD  screen may be used instead of a PCs keyboard and screen. Firmware  is the name for  software  that is embedded in hardware devices, e.g. in one or more  ROM/Flash  memory  IC  chips. Embedded systems are routinely expected to maintain 100% reliability while running continuously for long periods of time, sometimes measured in years.  Firmware  is usually developed and tested to much stricter requirements than is general purpose  software  (which can usually be easily restarted if a problem occurs). In addition, because the embedded system may be outside the reach of humans (down an  oil well  borehole, launched into  outer space, etc.), embedded firmware must usually be able to self-restart even if some sort of catastrophic  data corruption  has taken place. This last feature often requires external hardware assistance such as a  watchdog timer  that can automatically restart the system in the event of a software failure. Mobile Computer Mobile computers are computing devices small enough to fit in your hand. A popular type of handheld computer is the personal digital assistant (PDA). A PDA is no larger than a small appointment book and is normally used for special applications such as taking notes, displaying telephone numbers and addresses and keeping track of dates or agendas. Many PDAs can be connected to computers to exchange data. Most PDAs come with a pen (stylus) that allows for handwriting recognition and some even have tiny built-in keyboards or microphones for voice input. A wireless connection (Wi-Fi) can be used to access the internet with a PDA. PDAs in the later part of this century were converted into phones, cameras, music players and GPS. The demands for PDA phones have been in the increase and of late have been mostly replaced by smart-phones that are equipped with much functionality similar to a computer. Conclusion Computers have become very important nowadays because they are accurate, fast and can accomplish many tasks easily. Otherwise to complete those tasks manually much more time is required. It can do very big calculations in just a fraction of a second. Moreover it can store huge amount of data in it. We also get information on different aspects using internet on our computer. O S and A S These provisions are applicable for both software applications and operating systems.   They address program features that must be contained in software for the product to meet the standards.   Because there are many programming languages from which a software producer may select, it is impossible to give specific coding techniques.   In some cases it is possible that a particular programming language may not possess the features necessary to fulfil these requirements.   In those instances, another language for creating the program would most likely have to be considered for the product to meet the standards. Since the invention of computers from first generation and fourth generation computers, they have been classified according to their types and how they operate that is input, process and output information. Below you will get a brief discussion on various types of Computers we have

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Software Quality Development Plan for a Hospital :: software industry, risk management

1. Introduction:- The development of good quality software is very important factor in software industry . Medical software of medical devices with embedded software and decision support system can have great affect on the supply of patient care . A good quality software with poor management practices will never give very good quality of services. Hospital industry and telecom industry are facing challenges in terms of managing software . There have lots of reasons behind this activity . Main reasons are size , complexity of practices , management and comply to change. Depending upon the quality of the software systems, the accuracy of data and consequently of information are determined . There are a number of major and minor systems placed in Irish hospitals , where patients clinicians , nursing , it , administration , data entry personnel , researchers , governing bodies , and external auditors have different expectations understanding and requirements . The use of MS Access allows staff with little experience or knowledge of data quality techniques to collect data which is used for crucial decision making process along the patient journey . I will discuss an implementation of a software quality plan for Irish hospitals through the use of recognised healthcare and software quality models and standards in this essay.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Death penalty Essay -- essays research papers

I believe that capital punishment has its benefits and can prevent murders when used and understood correctly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The death penalty given to people judged to have committed extremely heinous crimes such as murder has been a practice since before the beginning of Christianity. Since the 1800s most executions have resulted from convictions for murder. The United States is the only Western industrialized nation that still proceeds in capital punishment. War crimes, spying and murder are the only three offenses that have the possible penalty of the death sentence. In recent years, capital punishment has become a very controversial issue in the United States and other countries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Opposition to the death penalty says that states that have capital punishment have a very high crime rate. What they do not take into consideration is that all the states are different and have different populations, different numbers of major cities, and different crime rates. There is currently no capital punishment in Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. --Almost all have lower populations and a low crime rate. In otherwords, the states that have capital punishment have it because of the high crime rates, not the other way around.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Studies have shown that capital punishment deters murders. In 1985, a study published by economist Stephen K. Layson at the University of North Carolina showed that every execution of a murderer deters, on average, 18 murders. The study also showed that raising the number of death sentences by one percent could prevent 105 murders. It does not seem fair to me that a murderer can live while innocent people are dying, especially when it can be prevented.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Violent crimes are capable of being deterred by lethal consequences for their actions if only on a sub-conscience level. If the death penalty were just as consistent, lethal, and as unstoppable as the AIDS virus, criminals would have reason to back down. Following on from that, is the fact that abolitionists may claim that most studies show that the death penalty has no effect on the murder rate at all. That is only because those studies have focused on inconsistent executions. Capital punishment like all oth... ...penalty is not cruel or unusual, and is a Constitutionally accepted remedy for a criminal act. In Trop v. Dulles, Chief Justice Eark Warren, no friend of the death penalty said, â€Å"Whatever the arguments may be against capital punishment, both on moral grounds and on grounds and in terms of accomplishing the purpose of punishment†¦ the death penalty has been employed throughout our history, and in a day when it is still widely accepted, it cannot be said to violate the concept of cruelty.† So the constitution does allow capital punishment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As for the penal system accidentally executing an innocent person, that is a problem with the court system not capital punishment. It is up to the jury and judge in a murder case to decide whether or not a person is guilty or innocent, and if the murderer should be put to death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So capital punishment is very capable of deterring murder if we allow it to, but the legal system is so slow and inefficient, criminals are able to stay several steps ahead of us and gain leeway through our lenience. Several reforms must be made in the justice system so the death penalty can cause positive effect.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Inherit the Wind: Henry Drummond Essay

The authors, Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee’s, main purpose through Inherit the Wind is proving that humans hold the right to think. Henry Drummond is vital in this discovery because of his firm belief that one should hold this right. Drummond’s hero archetype is the cause for his strong feelings, and he succeeds when convincing the audience of his beliefs by revealing the contradictions underlying his witnesses’ inherited religious beliefs. Henry Drummond arrives in Hillsboro as an atheist, and leaves as a hero. The townspeople’s initial reaction to the news that Drummond is defending Cates, alerts the audience. This is most apparent when Melinda, a young girl, first sees him and screams â€Å"It’s the Devil!† (Lawrence and Lee ). Drummond does not let the citizen’s misconstrued interpretation of him distract him from his goal, to take a stand. Drummond uses the case as an opportunity to fight for the right to think and develop one ’s own truths. Slowly the townspeople start to see through Brady and start to see the true Drummond. The Drummond who is committed to defending Cates and respects Cates for â€Å"standing up when everybody else is sitting down.†(Lawrence and Lee ). Brady and Drummond are alike in multiple ways such as their mutual respect for each other as well as their past together, but there are also very significant differences between them, such as their character. Drummond’s reason to defend Cates is to share a message throughout the world as well as protect an innocent man. Meanwhile Brady’s purpose is to gain popularity throughout the world, and only to help himself. Brady’s lack of dedication towards this case results in his downfall. In Act III of the play, the readers see Drummond’s quick mind, his ability to function under pressure, and his creativity. When the judge refuses all of Drummond’s witnesses he switches tactics and decides to call Brady to the stand a s an â€Å"expert† on the bible. Drummond’s character serves as a foil for Brady’s character, Drummond’s patient demeanor and open-minded, progressive way of thinking accentuates Brady’s narrow-minded way of thinking which causes the audiences support in his direction and opens their eyes to truth. The point where the Drummond’s point is finally made is when he stumps Brady. Drummond’s cross-examination of Brady causes humiliation and hysteria. Brady self-destructs when his convictions about the literal truth of the Bible are questioned and proved false due to Drummond. Drummond’s attack of Brady is not mean-spirited, it is  devastating. At the same time, the power of Drummond’s attack stems not so much from Drummond’s wit as from the weight of Brady’s egotism, stubbornness, and arrogance. Basically if Brady was not so cocky and arrogant he might have been able to prevent the case going the way it did. Although the trial in Inherit the Wind concerns the battle between creationism and evolutionism, a deeper conflict exists beneath the surface. Drummond points to this more basic issue when he asks his young witness Howard whether he believes in Darwin. When the boy responds that he hasn’t made up his mind, Drummond insists that the boy’s freedom to think—to make up his own mind—is what is actually on trial. This point in the book is where Drummond’s point becomes obvious; freedom of thought becomes the freedom to be wrong or to change one’s mind. Even though Cates is found guilty, Drummond wins a moral victory. He reveals his integrity when he defends freedom of thought, even for those he disagrees with. When Hornbeck criticizes Brady and Brady’s fundamentalist beliefs, Drummond tells Hornbeck that † . . . Brady had the same right as Cates: the right to be wrong† (Lawrence and Lee )! Drummond’s hero archetype and his initial analysis of Brady are the cause of his success with the people of Hillsboro. At the end of the play, Drummond feels the same way and is still fighting for people’s â€Å"right to be wrong† (Lawrence and Lee ).

Thursday, October 10, 2019

My Leadership Style Essay

Abstract Leadership is defined as a social influence process in which an individual seeks the participation of subordinates in an effort to research organizational goals. (Kinicki-Kreitner (p.346). My personal leadership style is based on the situational theory of leadership. Based on the type of situation my ability to adapt my leadership style is what makes me an effective manager. My Leadership Style Leadership is defined as a social influence process in which an individual seeks the participation of subordinates in an effort to research organizational goals. (Kinicki-Kreitner p.346) Being a leader in today environment is even challenging than ever. This is due to the pressure for increased transparency due to corporate greed, government pressure and individual corruption. There are great leaders throughout our history such as Martin Luther King, George Washington, and Jack Welsh. However, great leaders don’t have to be good. Barbara Kellerman notes that â€Å"leaders are like the rest of us are: trustworthy and deceitful, cowardly and brave, greedy and generous†. (Kinicki-Kreitner p.346) Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin are examples of great leaders that use their influence for their own personal gain. Kinicki-Kreitner states that â€Å"to assume that all leaders are good is to be willfully blind (p.346). There are many different leadership styles and different leadership theories that individuals and corporations use. My personal leadership style is based on the Situational Theory. It is also transactional and adaptive compassionate and open. The situational theory of leadership is based on the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior depends on the situation. As the situation changes, so does the leadership style of the leader. As a retail manger managing 103 employees, my leadership styles changes on a daily basis. Things are always changing in this fast pace environment. Rules,  regulations, personal challenges, customer issues, are some of the many challenges that my managers and I face on a daily basis. I relate very well to Fiedlers’ situational model of leadership. His model is based on two factors. The first factor is that the degree which the situation gives the leaders control and influence is the likelihood the leader can successfully accomplish the job (Kinicki-Kreitner p.352). The second factor is based on how the leader is motivated. Is he or she motivated for accomplishment of the task or for close and personal relations? (Kinicki-Kreitner p.352) Based on these assumptions, my leadership style is based on build relationships. I value building relationships with people. I believe that building structured relationships with my employees will give them confidence in me and my ability to lead them. Making hard decisions such as hours reduction was easier to communicate to my employees because of the relationship that I built with them. They were able to understand and accept that this was necessary for the greater good of keeping the store open and profitable. This leads me to believe that I have a high amount of situational control within my environment. Situational control refers to the â€Å"amount of control and influence a leader has in his or her environment† (Kinicki-Kreitner p.352) There are three dimensions of situational control. They are Leader member relations, task structure and position power. I relate to all three dimensions with leader-member relations being the highest. Due to the relationships that I have built within my organization, I have the support, loyalty and trust of my assistant managers and my hourly employees. Leaders in today’s economic and political conditions must me servants and not dictators. Robert Greenleafs servant-leadership approach emphasizes â€Å"increased service to others† through a holistic approach.(Spears p.1) Larry Spears in â€Å"Practicing Servant-Leadership† states that the â€Å"great leader is first experienced as a servant to others work, promoting a sense of community, and a the sharing of power in decision making† (p.1) Being a servant-leader is a approach that I use within my organization. By holding daily huddles and having my employees state their opinion on any issues allows them to feel involved in the daily operation of running the store. Having an open heart is also an important aspect to my leadership ability. Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky in â€Å"Leading with an Open Heart†, states that  if we â€Å"lose our capacity for innocence, curiosity, and compassion. Our innocence turns to cynicism, our curiosity turns into arrogance and our compassion turns into callousness†. (p.2) Being a leader in my organization is very challenging. However, the situation theory allows me to adapt to each and every challenging situation on a daily basis. Managing with an open heart and being a servant leader will allow me to take on any challenges without becoming a dictator or being resentful in the decisions that I make. The ultimate key to my leadership style is building relationships. Building structured relationships allows loyalty, respect and confidence that I get from my employees knowing that I will lead them in any situation. References Kinicki, A., & Kreitner, R. (2009). Organizational Key concepts, Skills, & Best Practices. (4th ed.). Ashford University Heifetz, R. & Linsky, M (2002) Leading with an Open Heart. In the Leader to Leader Journal Retrieved February 10, 2010 from Spears, L. (2004 Practicing Servant-Leadership. In the Leader to Leader Journal Retrieved February 10, 2010 from

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Kid with a Bike Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Kid with a Bike - Movie Review Example This paper is a review of the film â€Å"The Kid with a Bike† Directed by Jean Pierre Dardenne and Luc Dardenne. The film is about the one sided yet blissful blood bond relation between a father and an eleven year old who is abandoned by his father and lives in a foster home and is being told by the father that he would have to live there for only a short while. With hopes in heart that he would return to his father soon, the distracted boy is never able to relate to life without his father and his desired bicycle. He runs in search of the bike which he considers a special symbol of attachment to his father. To his small childish memory he runs tracing his father in all the places he can image. He visits the place where his father lived, but much to his disappointment, he finds out that his father has moved out.The very first scene of the movie tells us about the boy’s state of mind who is lacking the peace and it is evident through an encounter with the counselor of th e foster home where the boy hopes to find out about his father. He often tries to flee the foster home in hope of going to his real home which was promised by his father to him. While in pursuit of his little dream, and peace, along with hope of finding the bicycle and his father again, his life and future days take a turn for the good when he comes across a generous hairdresser who would later on adopt him. The Theme is based on the attempt of interpretation of the boy’s distracted mind which he suffers due to one of his parent’s unstable social standing.... While in pursuit of his little dream, and peace, along with hope of finding the bicycle and his father again, his life and future days take a turn for the good when he comes across a generous hairdresser who would later on adopt him. The Theme is based on the attempt of interpretation of the boy’s distracted mind which he suffers due to one of his parent’s unstable social standing. Being not able to bring him up, he falsely tells his young son that the stay at foster home would be a brief one; however, in real the things are gloomier for the ill fated boy. The theme is a very apt one considering the modern day unstable social standings of number of parents in various societies across the world, and it equally applies to the American Society and parents as well. It lives up to the expectations and delivers the message in a very calculated manner and warns all those with such intentions that abandoning their kids is the last best option available for their kids. Early day s of life are the days where the kid needs proper attention and their parents guard. Even the toys and other childhood kits do not mean as much to the kids as much as their own parents. This has been shown in a very skill full manner where the kid considers the bicycle as a symbol of his father’s love towards him. The movie will definitely leave a spark in the minds and hearts of all those parents who are going through the thick of times and have even for once thought over similar lines of foster homes for their children. They would get to know what these actions could have in offer for the young ones if sent away from home. What three or four sequences are most important in the film? Why?   There are number of scenes that would give the viewers goose bumps on any given day, and those moments were