Friday, February 14, 2020

Fears Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Fears - Research Paper Example ic nervous system and adrenal glands, including increased heart rate (tachycardia), increased breathing rate (tachypnea), tenseness or trembling of muscles, profuse sweating, and dryness of the mouth. Circulation from the rest of the body is directed to the areas where energy is needed most, either to protect oneself or to escape danger, also known as the "fight or flight" response. The sudden diversion of excess blood from the brain may also cause fainting, which may actually serve as an adaptive function in animals to protect them from predators. Children experience fears with greater intensity than older people. Middle aged children as a group experience less fears than their older or younger siblings. There is a disagreement between researchers upon the degree to which fear is innate or a learned response. Pavlov’s research with conditioning led to various experiments through which animals were conditioned to fear certain stimuli which were previously neutral. However certain fears such as fear of pain, injury or loud noises are innate and appear to be universal. Fear generally starts appearing in infants at 7 months of age. In newborns, fear is primarily reflexive. By instinct, they become afraid if there is sudden loss of support, extreme or unexpected sensory stimulus particularly with loud sounds. At about 6 to 9 months of age infants develop fear of masks, heights and strangers. Anxiety of separation typically appears at about 6 to 10 months of age and peaks between 18 and 24 months. Fear of being separated from the primary guardian is a universal reaction. The ability to understand constancy is not present in the young infant and it might believe that its mother might be gone forever if she is not currently present there. The peak that is observed at 18 to 24 months is probably because this is the age when most children enter day care or preschool. At two years of age a child becomes more organized and develops a better sense of security. A two year

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Consumer Society Gives People Choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Consumer Society Gives People Choice - Essay Example Hinchcliff et al, (2009) see consumption as a lifestyle and something that comes as a result of socialization. It is therefore, for him, a lifestyle involving people using goods and services, as the last bearers. It therefore for him the end line of ‘economic activities’ begins with assessment of the resources available and goes on through to the production stage and distribution.Consumer Society, or rather Consumerism, has been viewed as an economic as well as a social structure tailored and lined on the calculated systematic creation and fostering of a desire to purchase goods and services in greater amounts and sometimes with a tinge of variety. It is a process that sows the seed of belongingness (Hinchcliff et al, 2009, pg 20).The major understanding by social scientists is that consumption presents different values, attitudes and a sense of belonging (Hinchcliff et al, 2009, pg 21). The characteristic of the consumer society can be examined in the context of the com mon expression that support the concept consumer society and the lifestyle that individual and collective consumers exhibit as far postmodern consumerism is concerned. For Social Scientists, a number of factors come into play as far as consumer choices go. These include income, media, goods and their nature, educational status, social expectations, peer influence among others. Some of the variables to these would perhaps be captured in the popular expressions would be like ‘everybody is a walking advertisement’.... It is a process that sows the seed of belongingness (Hinchcliff et al, 2009, pg 20). Features of the Consumer Society The major understanding by social scientists is that consumption presents different values, attitudes and a sense of belonging (Hinchcliff et al, 2009, pg 21). The characteristic of the consumer society can be examined in the context of the common expression that support the concept consumer society and the lifestyle that individual and collective consumers exhibit as far postmodern consumerism is concerned. For Social Scientists, a number of factors come into play as far as consumer choices go. These include income, media, goods and their nature, educational status, social expectations, peer influence among others (Hinchcliff et al, 2009, pg 21). Some of the variables to these would perhaps be captured in the popular expressions would be like ‘everybody is a walking advertisement’. Consumer Sovereignty (Hinchcliff et al (2009) seems to contend that that from the time of the Economists Adam Smith, economics debates have always had the assumption that the centre of a sound economy is based on the final demand of goods/services; therefore, it is believed my man. Economists argue that meeting the demands involves amicably seeking to ensure that their desires are met and that they are centre of production and promotion of conspicuous buying and therefore fitting the label â€Å"these are the seduced ones of the nineteenth century† (Hinchcliff et al, 2009, pg 32). Arguments for the Consumer Sovereignty: What are some of the causes and institutions? The basic assumption here is that the consumer in the modern